February 15, 2025
Developer Tools That Make Your Life Much Easier

As a developer, your work can make a big difference in the digital world. Whether you’re developing websites, mobile applications, or software, it’s important to have the right tools at your disposal. These tools can help streamline your workflow, improve collaboration, and increase productivity.

Scroll down below to find a comprehensive list of all the developer tools. Take your time to explore them one by one.

General Developer Tools

  1. allinone.tools is a single destination for all your needs! You can do anything from social media to conversions, convert pdfs and images, and more using just a single tool.
  2. it-tools.tech is a collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.
  3. devtooly.com is a bunch of front-end development tools all in one place!
  4. transform.tools is a polyglot web converter.
  5. angrytools.com is a website that offers a suite of online tools and utilities for web and software developers.
  6. app.lazyweb.rocks is a platform that can help developers like you find the tools and tutorials you need to succeed.

Coding Related Developer Tools

  1. ray.so is a website that provides a fast, easy, and convenient way to create and share beautiful images of code snippets.
  2. carbon.now.sh is another website that offers a developer-friendly tool for creating beautiful and customizable images of code snippets.
  3. screely.com is a website that provides a simple service for creating screenshots of website or app designs with colorful backgrounds that are easy to customize.
  4. playcode.io is a website that provides a free online code editor and compiler for web developers. 
  5. play.tailwindcss.com is a website that offers a platform for web developers to design and experiment with user interfaces using Tailwind CSS.
  6. tailwindpdf.com is a website that provides an easy and efficient way to convert HTML pages to PDFs using the Tailwind CSS framework.
  7. app.snyk.io is a website that provides security solutions for developers to find and fix vulnerabilities in their open-source libraries and container images.

Image Transformation Tools

  1. resizepixel.com is a website that provides a free online image resize, crop, mirror, rotate, compress, and convert tool for web developers, designers, and photographers.
  2. coolbackgrounds.io is a website that offers a collection of unique and visually appealing backgrounds for use in various design projects such as websites, social media, and slideshows.
  3. tabbied.com lets you easily create timeless and beautifully generated patterns or artwork to use for wall art, websites, print materials, and more.
  4. ezgif.com is a website that offers a collection of tools for editing and optimizing animated GIFs. 
  5. erase.bg is a website that provides a quick and easy way to remove the background of images automatically.
  6. watermarkremover.io is a website that offers an online tool for removing watermarks from images without compromising their original quality.

Design Tools

  1. gradients.app is a website that offers a large collection of pre-made gradient backgrounds that web or app designers can use to enhance the visual appeal of their designs.
  2. keyframes.app is a website that provides a user-friendly animation editor for web designers and developers.
  3. svg-path-visualizer.netlify.app is a webpage that allows users to visualize and modify SVG path data.
  4. squircley.app  is a website that provides an easy-to-use tool for creating unique and colorful patterns, shapes, and icons.
  5. shapedivider.app is a website that offers a variety of customizable shape dividers that users can add to their web pages to enhance the layout and design.
  6. app.haikei.app is a website that offers an online tool that generates customizable and unique SVG shapes and background patterns for web designers and developers.

SVG Tools

  1. svgwave.in is a website that provides an SVG wave generator tool for creating unique and visually appealing waves for web designers and developers.
  2. svgshapes.in is a website that offers a large library of unique SVG shapes that web designers and developers can use to enhance the visual appeal of their web projects.
  3. react-svgr.com a complete toolbox to take advantage of using SVGs in your React applications and transform SVG into React components.
  4. svgcrop.com is a website that offers a free and easy-to-use tool for cropping and editing SVG images online.
  5. realfavicongenerator.net is a website that generates and provides a complete set of favicon files and links for your website.
  6. formito.com/tools/favicon is a webpage that provides a free favicon generator tool for websites.
  7. boringavatars.com is a website that generates unique and customizable placeholder avatars for user profiles.
  8. svgbackgrounds.com is a website that offers a large collection of free SVG backgrounds that can be used for websites or other digital designs.

If you’re a developer looking for ways to make your life easier, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter and check out my articles for more tips, tricks, and updates!

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